Tavern of Spear v0. Text based game about being a prisoner in a space prison with a lot of adult themes. There is a 4th command, 'help'. 制作人 / 编剧 UpcastDrake 程序员 Moira 绘师 详细介绍 Corruption of Champions II(简称CoC2)是一款基于文本的冒险游戏,在游戏中,你要与入侵你家乡的变态恶魔作斗争,同时要与性感的怪物女孩 还有毛皮人、兽人、精灵、恶魔和其他各种可爱的人)谈恋爱,并将自己变成你理想的身体形式。 CoC2是一个关于定制的游戏,让你扮演任何你想要的角色:无论你是一个丰满的双峰强盗,还是一个身材魁梧的羽扇野蛮人;一个擅长牛奶魔法的雌雄同体的女巫,还是一个威吓他的同伴回到战斗中的魁梧的兽人术士。 无论你选择把自己变成什么样子,你都会有一群不拘一格的同伴陪伴你进行反常的冒险,从猫女牧师和女巫,到关在贞操笼里的精灵女屌丝和专横的兽人亚马逊。 Meanwhile, Claire Cahen, assistant professor in urban affairs and planning, is leading a team of five researchers on a study funded by a grant from the Center for Rural Education, part of the Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment, to understand how the Lawrenceville Correctional Center affects public education in the region. Comments. Role Playing. Test the latest version here: (could be. Broken Dreams Correctional Center Text based game about being a prisoner in a space prison with a lot of adult themes RahiMew (447) Role Playing Play in browser Viv the game (v 0. A city ruled by the elite. There are 3 commands available to you. master022 81 days ago. Broken Dreams Correctional Center. Play in browser. My Furry Town. Release: Feb 19, 2016 Platform: PC ESRB: Not Set Submit Cheats If you know cheat codes, secrets, hints, glitches or other level guides for this game that can help others leveling up, then please Submit your Cheats and share your insights and experience with other gamers. Naughty text adventure with monsters and potions. 8 out of 5 starsBroken Dreams Correctional Center. Fort of Chains is a completed, free, moddable, open-source, TEXT-ONLY sandbox management NSFW game where you lead and manage a band of slavers in a fantasy world. ← Return to game comments. I'm really enjoying this game so far! Really like the milking mechanic with Dr. Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Replied to RahiMew in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments. Little_Okami 32 days ago. While a new movie was being filmed, Jason asks Melissa about the cast she's. Absolutely love what you got here so far. species:dragon. Reply. If you help clear my name. Find games tagged Furry, NSFW and Text based like Love and Corruption, Broken Dreams Correctional Center, SbArPg, Trash Hero: From the Abyss, FOXXX on itch. I enjoyed the different outcomes of each situation, and even after putting in around 4+ hours, I'm still finding new content. exuse me the strapons are fine but I can;t accttly use it :(Reply. RahiMew 1 year ago. A deep, monster-catching RPG with roguelike elements ThylacineStudios Role Playing Koi Puncher MMXVIII $0 -100% Unlimited koi. One of the first games I picked up after seeing itch, the character customization is one of the biggest reasons I stayed (very big on that in a game). Test the latest version here: (could be un… GDScript 47 16 BDCCMods Public Mods for BDCC 2 1,618 contributions in the last year Learn how we count contributions Less More 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 Contribution activity July 2023 Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Replied to TheAlternative in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments ketos 78 days ago Yeah actually I would love some sort of "NPC Creator Tool" either as a built-in aspect of the mod menu or a secondary widget that helped automate a lot of the process of building new NPCs into a downloadable mod. Broken Dreams Correctional Center » Comments. Let the penis “shrink/grow” based on the lust, like 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Posted in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments. It's still far from being completed obviously but I have extended it with a few cool scenes. Hopefully we'll see more of the characters from the underground out and about in the prison, they're all great!Broken Dreams Correctional Center. This game is influenced a lot by other erotic text rpg games like Trials in the Tainted Space and Lilith's Throne. It’s obviously a game that involves a lot of bdsm and d/s. An 18+ Furry "Visual Novel and RPG" Game. Broken Dreams Correctional Center » Devlog Like 22 by Heya ^^. Opened in 1892, it is the fourth-oldest prison still in operation in NSW. Role Playing. Text based game about being a prisoner in a space prison with a lot of adult themes. Meanwhile, Claire Cahen, assistant professor in urban affairs and planning, is leading a team of five researchers on a study funded by a grant from the Center for Rural Education, part of the Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment, to understand how the Lawrenceville Correctional Center affects public education in the region. images. Yeah, there will be an entire route devoted to her in the future after I'm done with Tavi's route. LENTERA comments · Replied to Shiryu080 in LENTERA comments. Meanwhile, Claire Cahen, assistant professor in urban affairs and planning, is leading a team of five researchers on a study funded by a grant from the Center for Rural Education, part of the Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment, to understand how the Lawrenceville Correctional Center affects public education in the region. I kinda suck with names but who is Eliza? Reply. Does anyone know if there is a schedule. . 3. John D. Click the keyboard in the bottom right, this will let you type commands directly and is much faster. But there are no deaths or guro. Adventure. BDCC is an erotic text based game about being a prisoner in a space prison with a lot of adult themes. videos. Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Replied to Kai Frantio in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments. ketos 78 days ago. An adult furry adventure game. FemboyProgramming. And finally 'connect <ip address>' connects to a server. Broken Dreams Correctional Center » Comments. small suggestion: let the player create a portrait for their character, not necessary but i think it would be a nice touch. Game or hack broken? Report it. All the important sex scenes will still be fully hand-written, only the random encounters with procedural npcs use the sex engine currently. 'ls' lists the files held on this device. I can't wait to see what add next. Rated 4. But there are no deaths or guro. It’s obviously a game that involves a lot of bdsm and d/s. Lust Doll Plus. It's located in far western NSW, 1190km from Sydney. Name55 46 days ago. ← Return to game comments. just go to the spot where you get the apple but not all the way in. Now most of the women I impregnate give birth to twins or even triplets. Ask a Question Stuck in this game? Jill Donnellan Directed by Akihiro Noguchi Episode Guide Broken Dreams is the nineteenth episode of Power Rangers Samurai. Text based game about being a prisoner in a space prison with a lot of adult themes. ), showers decrease pain a bit, and there are some perks that will automatically lower pain after each turn in combat. Broken Dreams Hacked Play Broken Dreams Unhacked Game & Hack Information Jul 17, 2013 6274 Plays Arcade 49. Quickly fixed a crash that happens in some scene if your character doesn't have a penis. Like Arms behind back when cuffed. On this page. 2. RahiMew. Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Posted in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments master022 81 days ago When will more updates come out I want to see more stuff be added like more sex animations or more sex scenes or more side quest Viewing post in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments. 'cat <file number>' accesses the files. TFperson 118 days ago. Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Posted in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments Husk 78 164 days ago a question, are there endings or not and how to find out, someone explain to me pleaseViewing post in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments. Text based game about being a prisoner in a space prison with a lot of adult themes. Play in browser. ), showers decrease pain a bit, and there are some perks that will automatically lower pain after each turn in combat. BDCC is an erotic text based game about being a prisoner in a space prison with a lot of adult themes. yml 3 months ago AssetsSource Working title is Broken Dreams Correctional Center or BDCC for short</p> <h3 tabindex=\"-1\" dir=\"auto\"><a id=\"user-content-more-info-about-the-game-here\" class=\"anchor\" aria-hidden=\"true\" href=\"#more-info-about-the-game-here\"><svg class=\"octicon octicon-link\" viewBox=\"0 0 16 16\" version=\"1. Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Posted in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments. 35 days ago. Broken Bridge Max Security Prison. This update has a few cool features but the main focus was of course the main quest. Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Posted in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments Husk 78 164 days ago a question, are there endings or not and how to find out, someone explain to me pleaseClick the keyboard in the bottom right, this will let you type commands directly and is much faster. io, the indie game hosting marketplace. Does anyone know if there is a schedule. Role Playing. itch. Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Posted in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments. LD49 Jam game. The Forest of Love. Start alone and confused in a dangerous place, and go on to carve out a piece of the world for yourself. Broken Dreams Correctional Center (18+) comments · Posted in Broken Dreams Correctional Center (18+) comments. Broken Dreams Correctional Center. Opened in 1892, it is the fourth-oldest prison still in operation in NSW. Contents. Please re-download if you downloaded the game earlier than this comment ^^Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Posted in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments. Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Posted in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments. more detailed character dolls (colors, fur patterns) 2. chan93 254 days ago. Play in browser (18+) Five Nights at FuzzBoob's. Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Replied to RahiMew in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments. Indie game store Fun games Game development Comics. Unstable Chem Mystery. 0. Broken Dreams Correctional Center. Broken Hill Correctional Centre is a medium and minimum-security facility for male and female offenders. It’s obviously a game that involves a lot of bdsm and d/s. Text based game about being a prisoner in a space prison with a lot of adult themes. Farming RPG game with cute furry characters. (297) Simulation. Yeah actually I would love some sort of "NPC Creator Tool" either as a built-in aspect of the mod menu or a secondary widget that helped automate a lot of the process of building new NPCs into a. Breeding monsters and adventuring. DankestMeme 124 days ago. If you are a member of this game, can demonstrate that it is being actively developed and will be able to keep this profile up to date with the latest news, images, videos and downloads, please contact us with all details and we will consider its re-activation. io to leave a comment. Play in browser. I haven't played it much yet, but in that short time the game left a great impression, especially the character avatar, probably the first such game with such an animated avatar, and it looks very cool. 2 comments. A puzzle-platformer with Chemistry! RahiMew. Skills -> Stats -> right hand column, you get 3 stat points to distribute after each level-up. (For me it was not the case when I needed to free the hands to work for said money. Log in with itch. ah i hadnt been going to the sleeping area as much didnt trigger the scene. 0. Play in browser. and i have no idea what shower or if its a random. Are you going to do anything with the Breeder Perk, MewDev? Also, I love playing this game, love the concept, and I love the mechanics, keep up the good work!! :3. Working title is Broken Dreams Correctional Center or BDCC for short. Snowgrave47 227 days ago. 2. Register. Decided to make an account to say that I am thoroughly enjoying this game and glad that I found it purely by chance because I happened to be bored. ↑ View parent post. Rating: Currently /5 Login to vote. Is it my problem? Can someone send me an invitation link? Reply. Broken Dreams Correctional Center. Role Playing. You can buy painkillers from the vending machine in the medical wing (1 cred each iirc. Broken Dreams Correctional Center . So the android port file won't open after being downloaded and I'm not sure if it is a problem just for me or what but I'll keep trying some things and see if I can figure it out!A few suggestions I would like to make: Make the stocks easier when activated by the player and let guard put the player there by chance or when already in full bondage-gear. Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Posted in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments Gafd 218 days ago this game would work on mobile if it would fit on my phone screen lol , that would be an amazing update !! Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Posted in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments. RahiMew. Broken Dreams Correctional Center (18+) comments · Replied to RahiMew in Broken Dreams Correctional Center (18+) comments. DankestMeme 124 days ago. 2. TheCrystalRiver 1 year ago (+1) So far, the game is a delight to play. The labcoat that you meet at the start, you can talk to them in medical. Caro. . thatonefur 33 days ago. RahiMew. darkofoc. type:yiff. A city that exemplifies the best and worst of the American Dream. Collect rare items, organize your backpack, and defeat the dungeon! Thejaspel. Broken Dreams Correctional Center (18+) comments · Posted in Broken Dreams Correctional Center (18+) comments. Play in browser. I've enjoyed every second of it, although it does cause you to grind a bit for the rest of the content in the game. Please re-download if you downloaded the game earlier than this comment ^^ Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Posted in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments Gafd 218 days ago this game would work on mobile if it would fit on my phone screen lol , that would be an amazing update !! Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments · Posted in Broken Dreams Correctional Center comments. The content in this game ranges from vanilla sex to some very dark and sometimes violent stuff. BDCC is an erotic text based game about being a prisoner in a space prison with a lot of adult themes. Broken Dreams Correctional Center. Super-Ecchi Interactive. Game or hack broken?Broken Dreams Correctional Center. Hellbound Correctional Facility. But there are no deaths or guro. Play in browser. 'cat <file number>' accesses the files. It is the third episode of the Black Box arc. Focused on using its text, moreso than its visuals or audio, to tell the bulk of its story/plot. Broken Dreams Storage Lockers is a storage lockers in Springfield. Play in browser. Play in browser. Faithzy Lazy 322 days ago. Visual Novel. Player can be the dom that fully controls where the scene goes or a sub that is on a receiveing. Dog the Bounty Hunter visited the Missouri correctional center in Cameron, Missouri, on Tuesday, hoping to inspire some of the most hardened criminals. RahiMew. Adventure. how to hack: Click the keyboard in the bottom right, this will let you type commands directly and is much faster. Quickly fixed a crash that happens in some scene if your character doesn't have a penis. Mojibake 216 days ago. Role Playing. Where do I download mods. 3. io to leave a comment. Moore Action Breaking Rat A cursed animal breeding simulator aoyuna Meanwhile, Claire Cahen, assistant professor in urban affairs and planning, is leading a team of five researchers on a study funded by a grant from the Center for Rural Education, part of the Institute for Society, Culture, and Environment, to understand how the Lawrenceville Correctional Center affects public education in the region. Play in browser.